Friday, September 4, 2009

Gmail Turf + Chrome Grass themes = yuck

Google lets you use the Gmail's Turf theme with Chrome's Grass theme. Don't.

Google lets you use the Gmail's Turf theme with Chrome's Grass theme. Don't.

(Credit: Screenshot by Stephen Shankland/CNET)

Google is clearly proud of its environmental ethos and likes to show it off through its products, but there can be too much of a good thing.

Mostly in an attempt to gross people out, I tried adding the new Turf theme for Gmail while using the Grass theme for Chrome.

Nobody ever accused me of having much in the way of taste, but even I can tell it's pretty awful. The eyestrain alone is headache-inducing.

What's the worst combination you can think of? High Score on Legal Pad? And what happens when you add in operating system themes?